Homeless Assistance Act
Homeless Assistance Act
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act Additional Information: http://www.doe.mass.edu/mv/
Sharon Public Schools Homeless Liaison
Mahesh Balan
Sharon High School 181 Pond Street Sharon, MA 02067
781-784-1554 Extension 8045
Homeless students and their families have the following rights:
•To go to school, no matter where they live or how long they have lived there. They must be given access to the same public education, including pre-school education, provided to other children.
•To stay in their original or last school even if they move to another district. Homeless students have the right to stay in the school they attended prior to the loss of housing, or to remain in the school they were last enrolled, unless the parent or unaccompanied youth chooses otherwise. This is called the “school of origin”.
•To get transportation to their original school. School districts must arrange transportation for students in homeless situations so that students can stay at their school of origin, even if students move to a different city, county or school district.
•To immediately enroll in a new school. Homeless students who move and wish to enroll in a new school where they are situated while homeless may attend classes immediately, without proof of residency, immunizations, school records or other papers, and without a uniform.
•To automatically receive free breakfast and lunch at school. A shelter worker or parent may contact the school to verify the child’s homelessness. The school must immediately begin providing meals based on verification.
•To receive Title 1 services.
•To receive all the educational and supplemental services that all other children are provided.
If your family lives in any of the following situations:
•In a shelter, motel, or campground
•On the street
•In an abandoned building, trailer, or other inadequate accommodations, or
•Doubled up with friends or relative because you cannot find affordable housing
Then, your preschool-aged and school-aged children have certain rights or protections under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.
When you move, you should do the following:
•Contact the school district’s local liaison for homeless education for help in enrolling your child in a new school or arranging for your child to continue in his/her former placement.
•Contact the school and provide information that will assist the teachers in helping your child.
•Ask the local liaison for homeless education, the shelter provider or social worker for help with clothing and supplies, if needed.